"People ask me 'do you still kill creatures?' It only happened the once, for Christ's sake!"
~on the bat-eating incident~
"I was really worried about the Y2K bug - I started burying bottles of vodka in our garden."
~on the millenium bug~
"My wife tried to stop me drinking by hiding my clothes. I just put on one of her dresses and my Nazi helmet and strolled down to the nearest off licence."
~on his love of alcohol~
"That dog's trying to destroy me. It's a terrorist. It's in Bin Laden's gang."
~on his wife's dog~
"Britney Spears is pretty, but I'm not from the Mickey Mouse Club - I'm from the Godzilla Club."
~distancing himself from the 'Queen of Pop'~
"I'm not wearing this coat. I look like Ricky Martin on a day off."
~on having his clothes bought for him~
"All the bad things that happened to me were because of drugs and alcohol. I mean, I wouldn't urinate on the Alamo at nine o'clock in the morning wearing a woman's evening dress if I was sober."
~stating the obvious~
"My one regret with the show is that we used our real house. I mean, the Munster's didn't use theirs!"
~on filming 'the osbournes'~
"I'm everybody's American father - and I'm not even American. I'd love it if the f***ing President gave me an honorary citizenship."
~on his huge popularity in the states~
"It's like living in f***ing Dr f***ing Dolittle's house here!"
~on life with five dogs and two cats~
BR>"I don't want f***ing bubbles on the stage. I'm Ozzy Osbourne, the f***ing Prince of Darkness! There's nothing evil about bubbles."
~trying to protect his image~
"My first wife had some chickens but they drove me mad. I started shooting them, but one wouldn't die. So I chased it around the garden with a sword. My neighbour just looked over the fence at me and said 'Unwinding again, Oz?'"
"I love the smell of armpits in the morning. It's the smell of victory."
"I've got so many drugs inside me that I rattle when I jump about."
~on his drugs hell~
"I've done it all over the years. I just can't remember any of it."
~on life in the fast lane~
"Imagine spending eternity with the same woman. Even if she was the greatest bonk in the world you'd get bored after the first 900,000 years."
~on life after death~
"I love you all more that life itself - but you're all f***ing mad."
~getting paternal~
"Someone said I once snorted a line of ants. I don't remember that."
~pretty vacant~
"If I took ecstasy I'd probably explode. There'd be a pair of shoes on the floor and a splat on the ceiling."
~drawing the line~
"I believe in life after death, which is strange because at one point I didn't believe in life after birth."
~getting ready for the next life~
"First he turned green, then he went down like a one-legged parrot."
~on the time he spiked a vicars cake with cannabis~
"I hate f***ing vacuum cleaners. Turn the f***ing thing off."
~displaying a sensitive, caring approach to housework~
"It look loads of water to down that f***ing bats head, let me tell you. It's still stuck in my f***ing throat, even after all these years."
~eating a bat's head is neither big nor clever~
"I'm not gonna pick up any more f***ing dog crap. I'm a rock star for f***'s sake."
~someone has to do it~
"The idea of a band nowadays is five pretty boys, one with a tattoo, one with a shaved head and so on. What the f*** is that all about?"
~on the state of music today~
"I love Vicodin [a prescribed painkiller]. Heaven for me is being run over by a truck full of it."
~on his favorite drug~
"A rock star is supposed to say things like 'Get me drugs' but all I get is f***ing dog s*** up to my elbows and an earful of f***ing abuse."
~more under the thumb than under the spotlight~
"I don't walk - I sort of tumble. My legs are just trying to catch up with head."
~on his lack of coordination~